I finally decided to start blogging and I couldn't think of a better way than to journal about the utmost secret details of our life then on the internet for everyone to read! But seriously, I spend my days cooking, gardening, living as organically and as frugally as possible all while raising my boys and taking care of hubby! So please join me as I venture through the days trying to be like Mother Hubbard instead of Mommy Dearest!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Noah's first Halloween Party!

Today Noah experienced his first class party, a Halloween Party! His preschool allowed the kids to attend school in their costumes and they passed out goodies and went trick or treating within their building. This Halloween Noah has been obnoxiously picky indecisive on what he'd like to be, first it was a police officer, Darth Vader, then Spiderman, then a red Power Ranger...Finally, (as in Monday evening) he decided to be Iron Man! isn't he the cutest little superhero?
Here's a picture of the little ham showing his costume off to the classroom,
And of course, it wouldn't be a party without some food, friends
laughter and games,
And let's not forget to squeeze in some learning!
Of course Mommy Dearest Mother Hubbard had to make some sweets for the class, and let's just leave out the crap fun I had making these supposedly "simple" treats.
All in all, today was a great day! Noah had a blast at his class party and is now demanding candy everytime he says, "trick or treat" and Joseph is upstairs with a stomach ache from eating all the chocolates Noah didn't want. Happy early Halloween Everyone!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sous Chef

I love cooking, I love cooking for two reasons, I love food and I love the quiet time I receive while I'm cooking. In a house full of boys, my 2X2 kitchen is the only place that's off limits to everyone! Well, almost everyone. This is my Sous Chef, Noah.

He pours, pinches, stirs and makes the biggest mess I have ever seen! Today my little Italian helped me make lasagna with french bread. He looked so cute pouring the ingredients and stirring the sauce. He's going to make such a good husband one day!
Of course I couldn't finish this post without a picture of my taste-testers. These two guys worked up a serious appetite at work and at school today and from the moaning and groaning coming from their end of the table tonight, I think Noah and I did a job well done! Oh, and look at how much these two look alike, it's almost creepy! I feel like I was just the surrogate when I see pictures like this!
And another thing before I leave, look at this bad boy!
Yup, I finally bought my springform pan! Most of you already know that I've been bugging for this pan for awhile and I finally bought one yesterday! So there you have it, my first cheesecake I've ever made, Cheese Cake Factory better watch out!